Bisexuality Awareness Week: Debunking Myths and Celebrating Truths

Bisexuality Awareness Week: Debunking Myths and Celebrating Truths - Rebellious Unicorns

Sept 16 to 23, 2024


As we celebrate Bisexuality Awareness Week, it's essential to shine a light on the unique experiences of the bisexual community. Bisexuality, often misunderstood, is a valid and vibrant part of the 2SLGBTQ+ spectrum. Let's delve into what bisexuality truly means, debunk some common myths, and explore why biphobia exists.

Understanding Bisexuality

Bisexuality is a sexual orientation where an individual is attracted to more than one gender. This attraction can vary in intensity and is not necessarily equal towards all genders. It's important to note that bisexuality does not imply confusion or indecisiveness; it is a legitimate and enduring orientation.

Myths vs. Facts

  • Myth: Bisexuality is just a phase.
  • Fact: Bisexuality is a legitimate and enduring sexual orientation. Many bisexual individuals experience lifelong attraction to more than one gender.

  • Myth: Bisexual people are promiscuous.
  • Fact: Like any other sexual orientation, bisexuality does not dictate a person's behavior or morality. Bisexual individuals can have monogamous or non-monogamous relationships, just like anyone else.

  • Myth: Bisexuals are just confused.
  • Fact: Bisexuality is not a state of confusion. It is a clear and valid sexual orientation that encompasses attraction to more than one gender.

  • Myth: Bisexuality means equal attraction to all genders.
  • Fact: Attraction can vary widely among bisexual individuals. Some may feel stronger attraction to one gender over others, and that doesn't invalidate their bisexuality.

    Why Biphobia Exists

    Biphobia stems from a lack of understanding and visibility. Bisexual individuals often face discrimination not only from outside the 2SLGBTQ+ community but also within it. This can lead to feelings of isolation and invalidation. Biphobia can manifest as stereotypes, erasure, or the assumption that bisexuality is a transitional phase.


    Bisexuality Awareness Week is an opportunity to celebrate and support the bisexual community. By educating ourselves and others, we can combat biphobia and foster a more inclusive environment. Let's embrace the diversity within the 2SLGBTQ+ community and honour the unique experiences of bisexual individuals.

    Call to Action

    Join us in spreading awareness and acceptance. Share this blog, engage in conversations, and challenge biphobic stereotypes wherever you encounter them. Together, we can create a world where everyone feels seen and valued.

    Celebrate with Us: Bisexual Pride Merchandise

    As we honour Bisexuality Awareness Week, why not show your pride with some fabulous merchandise? Our collection includes a variety of bisexual-themed blankets, flags, stickers, belts and pins. Whether you're looking to express your identity or support a loved one, our merch is designed to celebrate and uplift the bisexual community. Check out our store and find the perfect item to showcase your pride!