Why We’ve Moved Away from Early Bird Ticketing: Embracing a New Approach

Why We’ve Moved Away from Early Bird Ticketing: Embracing a New Approach - Rebellious Unicorns

You may have been wondering why there’s no Early Bird Ticketing for our events anymore. Perhaps you’ve noticed our recent addition of “Tag who you want to bring for a discount” or “Comment below for X” on our social media posts. We’re excited to share that this change is part of our new strategy to make event attendance more accessible while keeping costs down for everyone.

The New Model: Social Media Discounts

Instead of offering different ticket levels, we’re now providing an early bird discount directly through our social media platforms, specifically Instagram. How does it work? It’s simple! When you comment on specific posts, we send you a link with an embedded discount code. This code gives you a discount on your tickets up until a specified date. All you have to do is comment on a post—easy, right?

Why This Change?

  • Cost Efficiency: Advertising can be expensive, and like many businesses, we’re committed to being mindful of our expenses. By leveraging social media, we can keep advertising costs down. This means we can pass the savings on to you, helping keep ticket prices as affordable as possible.
  • Boosting Engagement: When you comment on or share our posts, you’re helping us reach a wider audience. The algorithms love engagement, and your interactions help boost our posts further without needing to spend extra on advertising. It’s a win-win situation—you save money, and we reach more people.
  • Economic Considerations: We understand that the current economic climate means many people are cutting back on expenses, yet costs continue to rise. Our goal is to avoid raising ticket prices, ensuring our events remain accessible and affordable. By adopting this new model, we’re doing everything we can to keep costs down for you.

We’re excited about this new approach and hope you find it as beneficial as we do. Your support and engagement mean the world to us, and we’re thrilled to offer you this opportunity to save while also helping us grow. So, keep an eye on our Instagram, get involved, and enjoy the discounts!

Thank you for being an essential part of our community. We can’t wait to see you at our next event!