Unicorns.LIVE is now Rebellious Unicorns Studios on YouTube

Unicorns.LIVE is now Rebellious Unicorns Studios on YouTube - Rebellious Unicorns

Dear Unicorns.LIVE Community,

We have some important news to share with you about the future of Unicorns.LIVE. After dedicating ourselves to providing you with unique and inclusive content, we've made the decision to transition our platform to YouTube under our new Rebellious Unicorns Studios Channel. This move is essential to ensure the long-term sustainability and growth of our content offerings.

Why the Change?

Unicorns.LIVE has been a labor of love, but maintaining a dedicated platform hasn't been financially viable. By moving to YouTube, we can continue to bring you the series you love, such as Denhta, Queerprenuers, The Mothership, and more, while reaching a broader audience and exploring new content opportunities.

How You Can Support Us:

To kickstart our journey on YouTube, we need to reach 1,000 subscribers to become eligible for monetization. Your support is crucial! By subscribing to our YouTube channel and encouraging others to do the same, you help us continue creating the content you cherish. Subscribe today - https://www.youtube.com/@rebelliousunicorns

Membership Update:

As part of this transition, all memberships have been canceled to prevent any renewals. We sent an email to all active members yesterday. If you were an active member, please check your inbox for further details.

Looking Forward:

We are incredibly grateful for the support and involvement of our community over the years. While it's bittersweet to close this chapter, we are excited about the opportunities this transition brings, allowing us to invest in new content and events that align with our mission.

Thank you for being a part of our journey. We look forward to seeing you on YouTube and continuing to share incredible content with you.

With gratitude and excitement for the future,
